Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Change Hurts, but is Oh, So Good!!

I have much to learn. When I think I have learned one thing, the Lord is so gracious in showing me, truly what is left. I am so thankful He doesn't give up on me or grow impatient with me.

I am not a perfect mother, I do not have it all together, and I get frustrated, angry and impatient. I am selfish, greedy and want my way all the time. I am a type A personality and like to be in control. God can drive, but I will hold onto the steering wheel. :)

This is a new season of my life. Learning to let go, learning to give God the complete control. My children, though absolute blessings, are not mine. They are on loan. I am the seed planter, but God is in charge of watering and growing. That is a hard one to let go of.

I am learning to relinquish my control, to have more fun, to relax and just enjoy all the moments. They don't all have to be planned out. I have a 10 year old who is teaching me most of this with the Lord's help. You see, we have been having a lot of disrespect issues and rebellion. It isn't what I wanted for his life or mine, but what we have been given by the Lord. I was ready to go and let him experience public school and live at his dad's. But the Lord graciously showed me that it wasn't part of His plan. He is using Hunter to change me. To grow me. I am so thankful.

I am now seeing Hunter in a new light. His eyes are sparkling and he is smiling. It is really a joy to be working on what the Lord would have me and little by little see the fruit of my change. I read a great quote, "Have a problem with your children, check to see yourself, because more is caught than taught."

Life isn't always easy and God never said it would be, but He did promise to be by our side. He is with me, walking with me.

I pray that if you or someone else is struggling with rebellion, that you would encourage them to seek the Lord, see what changes need to be made, and fervently make those changes. I am so excited to see what the Lord will continue to do in our lives. I truly want to be His servant and vessel.

Have a blessed day.


Marie said...

Wow, SO GOOD Katheryn.
Praise the LORD.
Love you
~ Marie

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