Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Okay, I admit it, I have a foot fetish. Praise the Lord it isn't with adult feet, or in a gross manner. :) However, give me baby and toddler feet and I am in love. Seriously! Nothing is cuter to me. Danielle and Mady have THE CUTEST feet ever. Mady is rather stout, so hers are extremely chubby, but when she walks I giggle every time. Danielle has the long second toe, thanks to daddy, and it is so cute to see her walk in some flip flops. My heart melts.
If you have a moment, put in the comment section your baby fetish....
Our Christmas went well and uneventful. I am trying to find my camera adapter so I can upload some cute pictures, but no luck in finding it. If I can't find it by the end of the week, I am buying a new one. So expect a lot of pictures.
God bless.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


I can't believe how quickly Christmas came this year. As always, I am ill prepared and sometimes frantically running about with the other people who said to themselves last year, I will take care of gifts in November. Oh well, again, maybe next year. So here I am, the van half loaded as we are heading to my mom's for one night. The girls will open their gifts from Nana tomorrow morning and by tomorrow afternoon, we are heading back home to have a nice quiet evening of family time. Of course Christmas Day will start early I am sure, but with bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, and french toast, it should be a very nice, quiet day. There will be plenty of gifts to open and hot cocoa with all the fixin's. Oh, and let us not forget about our Christmas dinner, which will be fancy to say the least...filet with ceasar salad and twice baked potatoes, and then some pumpkin pie with whip cream...mmmm.

So with that, we are at the 6 month mark...whew, almost there. I think my biggest struggle is finding clothes. I am not a cute pregnant mama, you know the kind, the thin legs and all basketball belly. NO WAY!! I am the one that it is all hips and butt. I can turn and you would never know which side is which. :) But believe it or not, I am really happy with that this pregnancy, I am just enjoying life. I can't find the time or energy to exercise, but living with stairs, I feel that the amount of time I travel up and down, should count as something. I enjoy my Ghiradelli's mint chocolate a little more, and really at the end of the day, when I prop myself up in my bed with my Bible, I really relish that time. Bret has been the best with it all and really helps out getting everyone off to bed so I can rest and even a few times I have found the bed undone with my pillows and heating pad ready to go. It means a lot to me.

Well, I pray that everyone will have a blessed Merry Christmas. Take a minute out of the chaos and look at your little ones in the eyes and smile and tell them how much you love them. Hug them, praise them, and smile, it makes a difference. Most of all, tell them that Jesus died for them and pray with them often.

God bless.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas is coming...

Christmas is my favorite celebration. First off, it is a time I get to reflect on Jesus' birth. It is truly humbling to my soul to think of the whole thing. Second, I get to get the ones I love gifts. I love gifts, not just for myself, but to see the faces of people who receive them. We don't do Santa. We haven't now for 3 years. It has been so freeing because I am not hiding anything, but gifts. But now the girls really know what we are celebrating. Not some man with a white beard in a red suit giving gifts because they are good. But it is a celebration of Jesus, coming to save us.

So this year we are trying to be good with our budget. So first I ordered some of the cutest, matching, things from Land's End. All 4 girls will be outfitted with matching dresses, and shoes...shshshshsh....don't tell. They are also going to get some fun toys, not junk, but really thought out what they need/want toys. I won't go into that boring detail...but my heart literally skips a beat when I think of the fun things for them.

For my hubby...ooops, can't tell because he reads my blog. :) Sorry honey.

The girls are being creative and making some jewlery for the grandma's, I am making aprons for all the girls for Christmas for our new schedule and chore sheet for next year, and hopefully squeezing in a few outfits too. I got a serger, so that will be delivered shortly and I am really excited to be able to really make things look nice on the inside and outside. :)

One thing I will say, this is something the Lord is really working on me.... I was reading in Isaiah 31:1 this morning a small part that says they trust in themselves and not Me (me being the Lord). I have a hard time of wanting to do things for myself, nothing great, like a weekend away, just sewing, cleaning, organizing, or even just sitting and reading my Bible. So when that time gets interrupted I look at it like an inconvenience and burden instead of an opportunity to serve. The days that I serve and put aside my own selfish ambitions are the days that I am most joyous. I am resting in the Lord's peace, doing what He has called me to do, be a mama first.

So with that said, I pray that we will all put aside our selfish ambitions and truly serve the Lord in peace doing what we were called to do...be mama's.

Monday, December 13, 2010

What I thought was a raisin....

I love laundry. I tell myself that each and everyday that I do laundry. I really don't mind it so much anymore, however, in all honesty, like the floors, it isn't my favorite. Though I do love clean sheets. :)

So this morning I am loading clothes. I am on my last load....towels. I think we go through 7 towels a day. Don't ask me how, I just know that needs to end. I decide to gather up some trash, put shoes in their buckets, and look around for anything else that needs to be thrown in the laundry.

Well, as I scope out the laundry room for anything else, I notice a little blob on the floor. Oh, no big deal I think, it is just a raisin. A raisin doesn't get stuck under the fingernail, a raisin is much more firm, and a raisin does not have an odor that makes one crinkle their nose. So with that said, I am sure you all have figured that one out. Always use a tissue when picking items up off the floor.

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Peaceful Buzz

Well, our excitement has turned to peace as we realized the importance of Hunter staying where he is at. Though my heart wants my entire family to be together, it just isn't so at this time. It is an odd feeling of leading two lives it feels. I have the desire of raising Hunter and the girls, but how do you do that when one is gone and the others aren't? How do you do it when you want to raise up a godly family and one resists? I can only think that the Lord has a great plan, not only for me and my family but for Hunter. Perhaps we will be a testimony of God's love and grace and that will lead to a change in his heart. But I do realize that Hunter isn't mine and perhaps the idea of truly letting go is the hardest. Hunter doesn't want to be here, there is nothing I can do or say that will change his mind, so rather than create much more fuss than necessary, I am willing to leave him, where he is at, happy.

So, off I go raising a housefull of godly girls. I am content with that. And the peace I feel surpasses all else. Have a blessed weekend, I know we will as we put up Christmas decorations and remember what God did for us, through Jesus.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Happy Buzz

Hunter is coming home on Saturday! That is if everything works out like it should. As much as I want to home school him again, it seems that his heart is to go to school. So, he will finish out 5th grade at the school right down the road...how convenient.

There is a lot of conflict right now, so that isn't easy to bear. But boys things are being brought out, sheets are being washed, comforters are clean, pillows are ready, and the closet has plenty of room for boys clothes, shoes, and some toys. I will be making a big Christmas purchase this year for him. Just to make sure we have enough things to keep him busy.

The girls are making little notes to let him know how excited they are, the fall decorations are down, and time to get ready for Christmas. We are all so excited. I think that the waiting in anticipation for Saturday is the biggest and hardest part right now, the unknown.

Please pray that Saturday will go well, no problems, no conflict, just an easy transfer. Thank you so much.
