Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday Happenings

Here are some pics of my goats. Molly is the black one and Lilly the brown one. They are way too much fun.

Monday was such a great day! Laundry done, sheets washed, some rooms organized, toys put away, beautiful 73 degree weather and 2 hilarious goats in the backyard.

So here are some funny happenings:

1.) I was giving a reward of 5 M&M's to the one who would take the clothes out of the dryer and put them on the couch in the appropriate places...well, needless to say, Danielle knows and loves chocolate and where to find her M&M's...though she can't reach them. So she picks up a stool and moves it right under the cabinet where the chocolate is and was shouting and smiling M&M's. It was hilarious.

2.) I let my goats out of their pen and where should I find them. Molly curled up on my outside patio chair all snug as a bug and Lilly laying all curled up on the patio table on a towel. Way too cute.

3.) I put together a basket of fabric scraps from all my sewing projects, something I have been meaning to do for a long time. The girls were so excited, but so was Hunter. So what happens, everyone stops what they are doing and goes to make clothes for their stuffed animals. It was way too cute to see them all cutting and sewing with the scraps. And Danielle just going and sitting on everyone.

4.) There is nothing cuter than a 19 month old grabbing her diaper after she has been changed and running down the hall way to the kitchen to throw it away for mommy...and actually making it into the trash which is under the sink in the cabinet.

So here were a few funny Monday happenings. Many blessings to you on this wonderful Tuesday.


Marie said...

I love those goats Katherine! It sure makes me itch to start looking in to country life again! I am so happy for your kids to have these precious friends to grow up with! I sure miss mine! Thanks so much for the pictures!!

Elizabeth said...

How cute!!! The kids and the goats :)

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