Thursday, February 12, 2009

Crazy Day

Well, the past few days I have been cramping. Which isn't unusual for me because I do have pre-term labor and it can be serious. So I just chalked it up to me being busy and moving a little more than I should. But last night I was very uncomfortable and thought that in the morning I should feel better. Well, I was wrong, this morning I woke up in extreme pain with cramping and contractions. I thought, "Oh, no this is it. It's too early." So I called my wonderful doctor and went into the hospital.
Thank the Lord there is nothing serious so far. As I am still early and not a lot can be done. The contractions have lessened and slowed down, but I am still uncomfortable. My darling husband has taken the rest of the day off to allow me to just sit still and not do a whole lot. I do not like that, as I am the type of person who wants to go all the time... But God's plan is different and He is trying very hard to give me His eyes and heart in the situation. I am starting to see some of it.
So here I am on the couch, the two older ones doing chores that were asked of them, and the two smaller ones with daddy running to the store so daddy can make dinner tonight. He is a great cook. I am very excited and am in awe of his love for me.
So for the next few days I have to take it easy and try and keep off my feet, with four kids I laugh, but I will try to sit more. :) But right now I am glad to be home and just enjoying the relaxation of putting my feet up, now if I could just find those bon bons. :)


Elizabeth said...

Oh I hope you feel better Katheryn. Yes, it must be so hard to sit still and not do anything. Brett is so sweet :) I am glad you have such a great husband :) Feel better and maybe you will be able to post some pictures? :)

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