Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Well, we took an unusually long break from school while I revamped. The big switch was going to the computers. The kids are using Switched On Schoolhouse. They absolutely LOVE it! I believe that learning should be fun. It sparks curiosity, interest, and desire to keep on learning. It has been fun, but not without the trouble also. We had one computer that needed cleaning up, and in the midst of it all realized that our Mac would not be compatible without a lot of other software, so we bought a new computer. But now that most of the kinks are out, we are able to enjoy.

We completely changed our schedule and chores to allow more flexibility to our time. M, W, F are our main school times, that is 7 subjects on the computer and 2 workbooks to go through. Along with that, piano and chores. T, Th we made more of our fun/project times. So we do P.E and more character work on those days and sewing, baking, and Hunter has more building time in there. It has been nice. It gets everyone excited for something, which is awesome.

I love being able to homeschool because it allows me to revamp when needed and make sure everyone is getting what they need. But most of all, it helps me keep on track.

I am learning that as time goes, the most important thing in being a parent, is sacrificing your wants. There will be plenty of time for me, but to invest my time in them, while they are still here. Teaching them, loving them, growing them all for Christ. It is an amazing calling and one that I am learning takes a lot of effort on my part, but most of all a lot of my time spent on my knees. I am so thankful.

I pray that all of you are doing well. Sorry for no pictures as I still can't find my cord. I am ripping out carpet tomorrow and putting in wood floors. Perhaps I will find my cord so that I can post some pics. It should be interesting. :)


AOP said...

Hello Katheryn, my name is Kristi Gesink and I work for the Homeschooling Company Alpha Omega Publications. I noticed after reading through your blog that you are using our Switched on Schoolhouse curriculum to teach your children at home. We would like to say a big thank you for mentioning our curriculum on your blog and we would appreciate it very much if you would please turn that mention into an actual link to our site at http://www.aophomeschooling.com, that way friends and readers can simply click on the link and find out more information about your great curriculum choice!

If you have any questions please email me at tkgesink@mtcnet.net

Thanks again and may God bless your day!
Kristi Gesink

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