Friday, February 19, 2010


The older I get and the larger our family gets I really appreciate and understand the importance of weekends. Planning things to do together as a family.
My husband has a job outside of his home. As much as I would love for him to work from home, the chances of that happening are pretty slim. So the time that he is home, he truly invests all his time into the children and when they go to bed, then to me. :)
Weekends used to be pretty haphazard, fly by the seat of our pants. But unfortunately that lent itself to really busy errands and the kids dissatisfied with their time with their daddy and mommy.
So, we have planned out weekends to do things as a family, something active, not always fun, maybe educational, working on school projects, gardening, going for a walk, or just kicking the ball around in the yard. But really making an attempt to not let things get in the way of our family time. Filling each child's tank the best that we can.
I know that there will be times this won't work, but for the most part it does. The kids love it, we feel knit together a little closer and life works.
I hope this might give you encouragement to plan things as a family and enjoy the sweet time of the weekends doing something you wouldn't normally do.


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