Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fallen in Love Again

Well, come April 14 I will have been married for 8 years and have 5 beautiful blessings. I am learning a lot about love and what it takes to make a marriage successful. We have had our ups and downs, but I will say that the ups far out weigh the downs. God has blessed me tremendously, even after a divorce.
I carried the guilt of my divorce for many years. I was ashamed. When some found out I was even chastised and some told me I would never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. My heart was so saddened by that thought. But the Lord spoke to me in a way that only He can and I am most certain of my salvation.
It seems that my binds of love have grown far wider, far deeper, far higher than I could have ever imagined. My heart has doubled for the man that sought me. I couldn't imagine a moment without him and we are glued at the hip, unless he has to go to work. We are a team, working together. It has been amazing.
What I am ever so thankful for is how God took a bad situation and worked it for His good. It is amazing to see how he works. My heart is over filled with gratitude.
Love is a give! I truly believe that in order to fully experience love is to never take, but to always give. Putting your partner first. Doing little things to make their day better, brighter, and to make them smile. Sacrificing self for them. Because the funny thing, is in doing that, their hearts do the same.
My relationship with my husband is priority to my children. Why you ask? Because it is the love that he and I have for each other that flows down to them. We are an example to them of what their furture marriages are to be like. I want nothing but the best for my children and strive for the best in my marriage.
As Valentine's Day has come and gone, and an anniversary fast approaching. My heart is swelling with the sweet and savory aroma of love. I am so thankful. May we all be thankful for the wonderful men in our lives and do all that we can to encourage them, love them and make them laugh.


Elizabeth said...

Such a beautiful post Katherine! You and Brett are an encouragement to me.

Happy late Valentines Day! :) And I love your background so cute!

I wish very badly you could see my little one. Miss you and love you~

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