Thursday, February 25, 2010


One of my greatest weaknesses is when my husband has to get a green tea. Why you ask? Because that means we are going to Starbucks and though I don't live too far out in the boonies, it is enough that it would take me at least 45 minutes to get my delicious drink and come back home.
So, I love coffee. I love tea as well, however, I do love my coffee! One of my greatest vices. I can't give it up and I don't drink a lot, just enough. It is warm on a cold day, cold on a hot day. You can have it iced, sweet, with or without whip, you can have different flavors, and it is handy, because as we all know, Starbucks is like McDonald's on every corner.
Now one thing I do not like is black coffee. I like girly coffee, flavored, sweet and tan.

You see, Starbucks holds more than just my favorite coffee drink, it also holds a dear sweet memory of meeting my husband (before he was my husband) every morning before I went to work to have a drink and muffin. He sat there smelling so good, so sweet, his eyes bluer than the ocean. That is how he lured me, buying me a drink, not drinking anything, just sitting and staring.
And now we are absolutely in love, with 5 children, going on 8 years.
So if you are single, go to a Starbucks.


Elizabeth said...

I love hearing about you and Brett meeting!!!! And yes, Starbucks is such a big temptation to me!

Thank you for your comment the other day :) Love you!

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