Monday, April 27, 2009

Small Blessings

This may sound so crazy but I am so thankful for my husband and the way that he provides for our family. Our house hasn't been really cleaned for quite a few weeks because I just can't right now. So we hired cleaning ladies. They were here today and so awesome! I can't even begin to tell you how nice it is to have a clean house, and feel the clean and to smell the clean. What a blessing! The kids and I can now keep it up since it isn't so daunting and my darling husband will have them come out every 3 weeks until Madeline arrives. What a stress relief that one is. God is good and way too good to me!


Marie said...

WOW what a wonderful blessing this must be! I so would love this! I know you need it more right now then me because you have more little munchkins to take care of and I just have Jon and I. I'm so glad you are so well taken care of!

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