Saturday, April 4, 2009

27 Weeks and Counting

Well, there has been more interesting news with this pregnancy. It seems that the placenta has moved and the doctor is hopeful that it will continue to move. So I feel that this bridge has been crossed safely. :)

Now onto the next bridge.

We have now come to another bridge that we weren't anticipating at all. Last night at triage they did a FFN (Fetal Fiber Nectin) test, basically it is a test that can determine if you will deliver in the next 2-3 weeks. Being 27 weeks, that is still a very early one. I have had them done with all pregnancies due to my preterm labor. But they have always come back negative, except this one. This one came back positive. I am aware of false positives and that God works amazing things. However, there is still is a concern for an early baby. I have been contracting for a few days and now on strict bedrest with medication to help the control the contractions. Right now there is not a lot of cervix change, which is wonderful, but with my past pregnancies, labor came on so quick, there wasn't any change prior to the labor. So there are many concerns right now for the baby. I am fine, feeling great and doing wonderful. I have a wonderful doctor and husband and mom who are very supportive and concerned.

We would love prayer, that Madeline would stay in as long as possible, and that the contractions would subside. If this isn't God's will, that Madeline would be a fighter and there would be no long term complications with her birth.

With that being said, my mom is coming down tomorrow to help out with things, we are looking for someone to come in and clean our home for a few months till we are off bedrest, and for some little help here and there.

The great thing about all of this, is that I am doing great, I feel fine, baby is healthy and looking great, and my heart isn't anxious at all. It isn't my situation to be anxious about.

1 Peter 5:7
"Cast your anxiety on him, because he cares for you."

I know God has a plan. My husband may be a little frustrated and not sure what to do, but there is a lesson in all things, and in all things there isn't always understanding. We just need to turn to Him who can give us the strength, courage, and peace to face all our troubles. God didn't promise an easy road, just a road with Him. I can take that and be at peace with it.

Have a blessed weekend.


Marie said...

Wow Katheryn I will definitely be praying for u guys. I love your calm and serene attitude. Thanks for posting this so we all can pray.

I wanted to thank you for the sweet sweet Baby presents you made me. They are just too adorable. I can't believe u made them. They are so professional. I will always cherish them. We had so much fun at the shower didn't we? I just loved that I got to share this happy time with you and Himilce.

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