Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fuzzi Bunz

Okay, so I haven't posted for awhile. We have been so busy and patiently waiting for Maddie to arrive. I am due July 4th, but all my babies have come between 35-37 weeks. They like to be early, it must be all the excitement they hear in the house!
I have also developed pregnancy induced carpal tunnel syndrome, which hasn't been fun at all and completely unexpected. My elbows and wrists ache with pain and then my fingers tingle and are asleep most of the time. So the little things, like brushing hair, teeth, cutting, putting make up on, etc, well it isn't very comfortable. They say it is from water retention and it placing pressure on the nerves. Well, considering I am holding more water than the Hoover Dam, I can see why it would be happening. :)
I have been contemplating switching over to cloth diapers. We figure we spend about $50 every other month on diapers, give or take and for almost 2 years, that is a lot of money. There is a larger investment up front, however, it can't be beat. I went off to the baby store and purchased 2 of them to see how they would work with Danielle and if she would like them and how they washed. So tonight is the first night she is wearing them and I am really excited to see how it goes. If it goes well, I will buy them before Maddie comes and have quite a few in the house just because I will have 2 using them. I will let you know how they hold up tonight. :)
Well, we are all waiting in anticipation to see when Maddie will be arriving. If there is any news, I will let you all know. Hope all is well and that you are enjoying your time with your family.


Elizabeth said...

Oh I can't wait to hear how the cloth diapers work! I heard recently about a friend who had done the same thing and she loves it.

I hope you will be feeling better soon and can't wait to hear about little Maddie!

Much love,


Marie said...

Jon and I have been looking into cloth diapers also, I'm anxious to hear how they are doing for u! I am getting excited for u all! I keep checking ur blog to see if we have a baby yet :)

Katheryn said...

LOVE THEM!! They work out great!! I am getting used to the poopy ones and I got the all in ones but they are a little more expensive, but well worth it for the toddler. For Mady we are using old fashioned cloth with a cover. I will let you know on those.

Good luck!

Marie said...

Thanks Katheryn! I need to go shop for them now :)

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