Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Whew, another week!

Okay, who would have thought that an entire week would go by before I would post again! I have to tell you that between finishing up school, getting next year organized before Maddie comes, and then with swim practice 4x a week, life has been crazy busy! I haven't been this busy in a long time and I can see why.

So, I finally finished with Voddie Bauchum's book, "Faith Driven Family." Love it!! Highly recommend it. He is a little far off on some things, but you know what I haven't found someone who is perfectly balanced anyway! But he does drive home a lot of good points that I did enjoy and some hopefully will be employed in our own home.

As for the sports thing, I have to say I am glad it will be over this summer by the end of June! I don't think we will continue year round. We have found that though the kids really love swimming, they love being home and playing with us and having quiet time to just enjoy the backyard together even more. It is amazing to see how God really showed us the importance of our family and what the kids really want from us...they just want us! I love it!

This past week was really nice, even though it was busy. Mother's Day was lovely. Saturday we went up to visit my mom in Phoenix and laid out by the pool all day and had some delicious lunch! I have to tell you that is a pregnant lady's dream. Salad, grilled cheese, ice cream, ice tea, and McDonald's for breakfast. Then later in the day we went to the most delicious Mexican food restaraunt, it was awesome, shredded beef tacos, beans, rice and sopapillas w/honey. Okay, now I am hungry all over again. :) On Mother's Day I just wanted to spend the day with my family. We went and had a nice breakfast, went for a nice walk, grabbed something delicious to make for dinner and then sat out and enjoyed the afternoon swimming and playing with the goats. It was very nice and relaxing, I even got a nap!

God has shown me so much about myself this week, but mainly a few things to work on. Isn't it amazing how you ask God what is important for you to be working on and he is so gracious to show you. For me it is keeping my voice soft, making sure that the kids look at me when I speak to them and being joyful in all I do. So I have been faithfully working, or some days failing, but considering I am still waking each morning to a new day, I figure I haven't mastered it yet and it must be something I need to master. :)

Bret and I have been talking about churches lately. Mainly if we should be looking for a new one. We went to a fairly conservative church for a bit and the fellowship was wonderful, but their focus was so much on theology and Calvinism, that we really missed a lot of God's love and grace. Now we are back to our larger church and I miss the smaller fellowship of other families with the same goals and desires as we have, but most of all, in our service the message always seems to be so broad to fit all the masses and sometimes the "truth" gets a little watered down. So here I am at a crossroads again, wondering, praying and searching. It is hard to go to a church where you want your children to be with you, yet they are always talking about their Sunday school program, or that we home school and the church has their own school. So I am not quite sure where God is leading us, or if we will stay, but I will keep you updated on that one as it comes.

So I pray that all will listen to the words of God, be still enough to hear his voice and most of all, hit your knees in prayer daily.


Kristi said...

I will be praying for you this week! Sounds like things are falling into place in your house.

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