Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We are Moving!!!

Okay, so I have been busy. We have decided a long time ago that we wouldn't go into debt, so we are working on getting out of debt. With that has come the the decision to rent intstead of buy a home. In all honesty I hope to one day live in a small farm house and live out in the country, but until God provides that one, I will live where He has us.

We live in a ginormous house about 45 minutes outside of Tucson. Though it served its purpose (extremely low rent) the communte for my love is more than we can stand anymore. It takes him at least 45-65 min to get to work and home. So rather than wasting that precious time on the road we have decided to move closer to work so that his commute is less.

Living in the city has its challenges, especially in Tucson. There are a lot of older properties, smaller homes and no garages. I think we have spent the last 2 months on the weekends looking for homes. We did find one and we were all set, but then the landlord changed some money items on us and it just didn't feel right, so we had to cancel that one. I loved the house, it was small especially for a growing family, but the character and charm was so awesome...oh well. I will have one of my own one day. We saw ugly ones and nice ones and are really trying to stay on budget.

Then last night, the very last house that we decided to look at was at the highest end of our budget. I told Bret that we are doing a "House Hunters" and out of all the houses we saw over the weekend and yesterday we were to pick. Well, the last house was perfect for us. I fell in love with the floor plan, the bedrooms were a great size, there's a fireplace and the yard has a fenced pool (amazing how many people don't have fences around their pools and don't want to get one either...). There are huge Mesquite trees, the kitchen is nice and open, and the whole house has a great feel to it.

So, we are hoping to move in 2 weeks, so from an almost 3000 sq ft home to a nice 2400, I am excited to downsize and get rid of so much stuff. It is amazing how much stuff you really don't touch. :)
The pictures above are the backyard, can you see why I would fall in love. It is right across from a high school so we can take the kids over and kick and throw the ball on the football field, I can run the track and do the stadium. And it is at the base of the Catalina Mountains which are beautiful. I will keep you posted, but as of now we are moving March 10...I hope.
So, no more writing for now, time to load up some more boxes... :) God bless.


New Mom said...

Yay! That backyard looks like every kids dream! Be sure to post more pictures when you have time. 3000 sq ft would be very daunting to clean!

Pam said...

So glad you were able to find something suitable. It sounds great. The backyard looks delightful. Hope it all works out well.
Much Love,

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