Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Lot Going On...

I am going to vent! I don't do it too often, but a lot is going on and I need to somehow express it or I just might explode!

I am in a fight, I am not sure how I got here, but here I am. The one problem is that I wonder how can I fight and be a Christian, how can I fight and be godly. I am not going to be a doormat any longer, I just won't.

You see at the end of July Hunter went to go live with his dad and go to school. Ever since that decision, I have wondered if it was right. So as I go back and forth with the situation, some red flags popped up in regards to Hunter's schooling. Mainly that now he is in the second quarter his grades are not very good because he isn't doing home work, turning it in on time, and that he isn't memorizing some multiplication. The situation he is in at his dad's really isn't allowing him the time to get all that done. Along with that the communication that his dad and I once had is breaking down. It almost seems like a prideful situation on his part, somewhat like he won.

There are a lot of miscommunication, I will say, mainly on there part. So, I didn't lay down and take it, I didn't just sit there and let Hunter just fall to the wayside, I stepped in, mainly with an email that asked what the next step was with Hunter, now perhaps it was my wording that rubbed the wrong way, I am not sure. But that is how it all started, pointing fingers, a lot of blaming, and now here we are. I am so thankful that I have a court parenting plan with me as sole custodial parent and with all final decision making with me. So Hunter's last day of school with be Friday, he will come home on Saturday.

I am preparing for a huge battle and perhaps even police officers at our arrival. What a sight that would be. But I don't know what else to do. This is for Hunter's soul, not just for him. I feel like I am fighting Satan, I won't let him win. So here I am venting on my blog. I don't do that too often.

I would just ask for prayer. Prayer for protection of Hunter during this week as it is all finalized. Prayer that he would adjust well to being back at home. Prayer that there wouldn't be too much conflict on Saturday. Thank you all.


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