Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Learning Lessons

My 33rd birthday came and went. It was a very nice time with my husband. I went thrift store shopping (because I love finding great deals), ate a delicious dinner at Red Lobster ( I LOVE their biscuits), had dessert at Cold Stone and just enjoyed my time with my husband.

I love how the Lord is always working on me. And this is something I have to share. I want you all to understand that I am not perfect, I don't have the answers and my life isn't always easy and I don't handle all situations in a godly manner, but I do have a desire to do the Lord's will always and to grow my children to love and obey the Lord.

So here it goes...
I have been struggling greatly with my oldest. He turned 10 this past weekend. You see he goes for one week a month to his father's and unfortunately he is not a believer and neither is the girlfriend that he lives with. They argue constantly, especially in front of him. And of course I don't know all the details all the time, but I do know that there are situations in which I don't agree and I do know that there are times that they tell my oldest not to tell me.

It is heart breaking because I can't even express to you the amount of times I have already blamed myself for walking down the aisle when I heard the Lord screaming for me to not. I didn't listen. I know that I am forgiven but I do have the consequences to deal with. It is hard.

There is nothing I want more than for my son to love the Lord, however, because his dad will go to hell, he also wants to go there. I get frustrated when he spends 90% of his time with me and his sisters, he gives all of himself to someone I just don't really like. It is frustrating to say the least.

I love him so much and the Lord is taking me through this. I have a plan and will discuss more of it once it is in place. If you remember please pray. Pray for wisdom as I want to show the Love of Jesus in all I do, and not sure how to do that in a conflict siutation. I just want to be calm, cool and collected, not the angry emotional mama I want to be.

God bless.


Marie said...

Yes Katheryn, I definitely will pray for you. I can imagine the pain involved for you. I love you so much and I know that the Lord's hand is on you and your family.

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