Thursday, September 24, 2009

Being a Princess

To me, there is nothing cuter than girls dressing up. They love feeling like a princess. I think God gave us that wonderful gift because we are His delight, His princess. He makes us beautiful from the inside out, He delights in us. I can't think of anything better.
Somedays, I don't quite feel like a princess. Somedays, I am lucky to have my hair done. But amidst all that chaos of life, I am sure glad that there are times to remember that I am princess, adored by One. One who knows me like no other. He knows my heart, my dreams, my thoughts, my frustrations, my everything. And everyday, His mercies are new, everyday He waits patiently for me, everyday He loves me, whether I feel like a princess or not or whether my hair is done or not.

Sisters are gifts from God, best friends for life.

Princess for the Lord in training.

Gotta love the "cheese" and those glasses.

3 Princess, one day each one will bring glory and honor to Him.

This is how Mady sleeps sometimes. Just loves to be wrapped up in the arms of her daddy. She is a princess in training, being wrapped in the security of her daddy, who is really an extension of her Heavenly Daddy.

Okay, not normally into the sad faces, however, this one is the cutest face I have ever seen. If I could just suck on that bottom lip with kisses. I would! Oh, wait, I have. :)
Have a most blessed day relishing in what the Lord has made and just how much He adores you.

Sisters, best friends for life. Princess in training. Bringing glory to God. How I love them all! I pray that they know how much they are loved and adored and I pray that each day I get to show them how.
For me, that is a hard one, life sure gets busy and there isn't much time for hugs and kisses because of laundry, cleaning, school, discipline and etc. But I have to make more time for that, a more conscious effort to praise them and enjoy them. Because my oldest will be 10 in one month. And that time has travelled by fast. I need to hold on to the precious moments I have and create memories with joy and laughter. You know as a home schooling mom, I am realzing that maybe education isn't the most important. If I teach them the love of learning that is what is important. If I focus on their character, that will prevail in a world where character is obsolete. But if my hearts focus is on teaching them every minute of the day about our Precious Lord and Savior, won't they then learn all they need? Aren't they going to be taken care of by God in all aspects of their lives? I truly believe so, nothing is more important than their hearts. To have them, to share with them, and don't think I have this perfected, I am just reminding myself.
God Bless.


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