Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Feeling Overwhelmed

The type of overwhelmed I am talking about isn't due to the "things" that need to be done. My overwhelmed is with the Lord and His blessings upon me.

When Bret had his reversal we made the commitment to the Lord to let Him determine our family size. I think once we made the announcement that we were expecting #6, family now felt they should have a say, and when will enough be enough.

I am not done! As long as I can bear children, I will. I am a willing servant of the Most High King and I serve an awesome God. I am not.worthy of all that He is doing in my life, but He sees more than I do.

I feel overwhelmed with honor that the Lord would visit me again and bestow blessings and grace on a wretched human who messes up more than I do get it right!

Praise the Lord for He is good!


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