Monday, July 26, 2010

My Big Mama Helper

Lauren is an amazing helper. Whatever I need she is cheerfully there to assist. She is growing up so fast. She will be 8 August 10 amd we are all so excited. She loves to read, is so smart and funny and loves to joke around. She has an amazing smile. I love her so.


New Mom said...

Hi Katheryn, thanks for the compliment on my hair. I loved your pixie cut but I like yours long and curly too. Nathan prefers my hair long, but at least says he isn't "disgusted" by it short! Haha! Glad to see things are going well with the sale of your home. Tough decisions, huh? Good for you for having the discipline to cut back in order to be free from debt. Going to a smaller house is never fun, but having peace of mind is! So do you have the internet again now?

Sorry I couldn't attend Maddie's party at the clubhouse or was it Richard and Kathy's? I got the message after it was already over!

Sorry to hear about Hunter moving. He is such a good kid; maybe he can be a light to his dad. Keep us posted on your move.

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