Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fuzzi Bunz

Okay, so I haven't posted for awhile. We have been so busy and patiently waiting for Maddie to arrive. I am due July 4th, but all my babies have come between 35-37 weeks. They like to be early, it must be all the excitement they hear in the house!
I have also developed pregnancy induced carpal tunnel syndrome, which hasn't been fun at all and completely unexpected. My elbows and wrists ache with pain and then my fingers tingle and are asleep most of the time. So the little things, like brushing hair, teeth, cutting, putting make up on, etc, well it isn't very comfortable. They say it is from water retention and it placing pressure on the nerves. Well, considering I am holding more water than the Hoover Dam, I can see why it would be happening. :)
I have been contemplating switching over to cloth diapers. We figure we spend about $50 every other month on diapers, give or take and for almost 2 years, that is a lot of money. There is a larger investment up front, however, it can't be beat. I went off to the baby store and purchased 2 of them to see how they would work with Danielle and if she would like them and how they washed. So tonight is the first night she is wearing them and I am really excited to see how it goes. If it goes well, I will buy them before Maddie comes and have quite a few in the house just because I will have 2 using them. I will let you know how they hold up tonight. :)
Well, we are all waiting in anticipation to see when Maddie will be arriving. If there is any news, I will let you all know. Hope all is well and that you are enjoying your time with your family.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Okay here are the two recipes I am making:

Baked Oatmeal
3 c. rolled oats
1 c. brown sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1 c. milk
1/2 c. butter
2 eggs
(Optional: nuts, dried fruit, chocolate chips, etc.)

Mix together and back at 350 for 35-40min. Or cover tightly and refrigerate overnight. Cut and serve warm with a little milk over each square, or some delicious warm fruit compote.

Prune Cake

1 c of prunes
1 c. sugar
3 eggs
1 c. canola/vegetable oil
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. allspice (next time I will add 1/2 because it was a strong spice for me)
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 c. buttermilk
1 tsp. vanilla

Preheat oven to 300.

Cover prunes with water. Bring to a boil and cook until soft and mashable, about 8 min. Remove from heat, drain water and mash on a plate. Set aside.

Mix together all dry ingredients. Mix together oil, sugar and eggs. Combine wet and dry ingredients, add buttermilk and stir gently until combined. Add in mashed prunes and stir gently till combined.

Pour batter into greased baking dish and bake for 35-40 min. Do not overbake.

While cake has five minutes remaining, make the icing:

1 c. sugar
1/2 c. buttermilk
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 tbl. white corn syrup
1/2 c butter
1/2 tsp. vanilla

Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan over medium heat and bring to a low boil. Boil without stirring for about 5-7 min. or until icing starts to turn dark. Do not allow to reach soft ball stage. Icing should be caramel in color but not sticky like caramel and should be easily pourable.

Remove cake from oven and pour icing on immediately. Allow to rest on the counter, serve warm.

**There is not prune taste with this cake, now she said no prune effect, but I beg to differ on that one. :>)**


Okay here are the two recipes I am making:

Baked Oatmeal
3 c. rolled oats
1 c. brown sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1 c. milk
1/2 c. butter
2 eggs
(Optional: nuts, dried fruit, chocolate chips, etc.)

Mix together and back at 350 for 35-40min. Or cover tightly and refrigerate overnight. Cut and serve warm with a little milk over each square, or some delicious warm fruit compote.

Prune Cake

1 c of prunes
1 c. sugar
3 eggs
1 c. canola/vegetable oil
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. allspice (next time I will add 1/2 because it was a strong spice for me)
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 c. buttermilk
1 tsp. vanilla

Preheat oven to 300.

Cover prunes with water. Bring to a boil and cook until soft and mashable, about 8 min. Remove from heat, drain water and mash on a plate. Set aside.

Mix together all dry ingredients. Mix together oil, sugar and eggs. Combine wet and dry ingredients, add buttermilk and stir gently until combined. Add in mashed prunes and stir gently till combined.

Pour batter into greased baking dish and bake for 35-40 min. Do not overbake.

While cake has five minutes remaining, make the icing:

1 c. sugar
1/2 c. buttermilk
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 tbl. white corn syrup
1/2 c butter
1/2 tsp. vanilla

Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan over medium heat and bring to a low boil. Boil without stirring for about 5-7 min. or until icing starts to turn dark. Do not allow to reach soft ball stage. Icing should be caramel in color but not sticky like caramel and should be easily pourable.

Remove cake from oven and pour icing on immediately. Allow to rest on the counter, serve warm.

**There is not prune taste with this cake, now she said no prune effect, but I beg to differ on that one. :>)**

A Great Blog

I always love reading others blogs, but I am careful not to waste my time on junk. I am careful to read blogs that encourage and equip and then a few fun ones from friends and family. But I found this one through some random blog trip one night when I couldn't sleep and I have to share it because I LOVE to cook and it has some of the best stuff....

I hope that this will encourage you to enjoy cooking and the wonderful duties of being a blessed homemaker.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What I Did Today

Being the emotional, hormonal, waterlogged, crazy, pregnant woman, I decided to bake chocolate chip cookies. Man are they good out of the oven! I have forgotten that sweet aroma and the warmth of the oozing chocolate that drips onto your lips and gives it a sweet sting.
Oh!, wait, you don't have to be emotional, hormonal, waterlogged, crazy or pregnant to enjoy a fresh batch of home made cookies. Just normal.! :)
So if you have a moment, surprise yourself, surprise your kids, and stash away a few for your hubby for a late night snack with some milk. Mmmmm. It will be worth it.


I gave my blog a new look as we wait in anticipation of Madeline's arrival. A little pink for the girly girl. :) Have a blessed day.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Grocery Idea

I had a really neat idea to help me keep myself a little more organized and I thought I would share it with you. I know that having a large family may vary from a smaller one, but you know what... any size family can strive to be organized.
I like the little things in life that make life easier and faster, even if in the beginning it may take some time. So this is my grocery idea to help anyone out who would like it.
I started a Master Grocery List, because we really only go to Costco, that is where my list is generated for. So what I did this weekend was write out my menu, then put on the list the ingredients that I need for my menu, along with that some other staple items. I walked through Costco picking up my items and then writing the price next to it.
I put it onto a Word Document so that way I can just print it out and I already have the price, that way Costco isn't a surprise. I can always have a pretty good idea as to how much the bill will be.
This is a little sample of what it looks like:
Apples (Cameo) $3.98 _______
Bananas $1.29 ________
Baby Wipes $15.49 _______
Strawberries $5.99 ________
So the list goes on. If you are really organized, which my husband thinks would be great would be to have the aisle number on there as well and organized by aisle number. But hey, I figured this is as good as it is going to get for us. :)
I hope this gives you a good idea to help your family maximize their resources and be a good steward with what the Lord has given you.
God Bless!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Really Good Cake

This is a recipe I got from with her pics. Sorry, I was baking with the kids... But I have to tell you how absolutely delicious it is and without a doubt one that will be made more than one. But I won't tell you the secret ingredient till the end.
Batter poured into the pan.
Tasted really good on the fingers.

Once baked there is a really delicious gooey frosting that goes on top. Mmmm.

More gooey frosting... Can you really have too much on a cake...nope.

The finished product, the frosting actually soaks into the top of the cake creating a delicious, moist cake.

The finished piece. I can't wait to have more.
Thanks to The Pioneer Woman for sharing this recipe. I know my kids will love it and my husband!
The secret ingredient: prunes! :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Baby Shower

My baby shower this past Sunday was unbelievable! It wasn't big, overly done, but it was the heartfelt blessing of one mommy to another. I truly appreciate it. When I became a believer life changed, the people I surrounded myself with changed. God has put some amazing women in my life and in my own ignorance didn't even realize it.

The fellowship was wonderful, the food was great and snacky (the best kind), my 2 older girls were there, and women whom I admire and really appreciate were there. It started with a wonderful devotional reading, which I will place at the end of this entry for you to read. Then a prayer, food, gifts and fellowship. I even had a song sung to me and if I could get the lyrics, it is by Serene and Pearl, I will post them as well. It was beautiful.

I think what stood out to me the most, was the fact that my heart has been desiring so much for sweet godly fellowship with other women, women who desire to stand tall in this world for a God who is amazing. For women who have chosen a similar path to encourage and share of their lessons. And while this whole time I didn't know who those people were or if I even had them in my circle, God again showed himself strong to me with these precious women.

I don't even know if they know how much they have impacted my heart and how cherished they are. I will be working on thank you's (typing them), but I hope to convey my sincerest love and appreciation.

I hope you enjoy the devotion below and that it encourages you in your walk of godly motherhood. Blessings~

Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Source: Love Has A Price Tag
Scripture Reference: Philippians 2:5-11
On Motherhood and Profanity

"OK now, which one of you clowns put that bag of M 'n' Ms in the grocery cart?" The mother looks harried.Two boys, maybe five and seven, eye each other and race away toward the gumball machine near the supermarket door. There is an infant strapped to a plastic board on top of the groceries, and a two year old occupying the built-in child seat in the cart. The mother picks up the M 'n' M candy bag and starts toward the aisle to return it. The two year old screams and she relents, throws the bag in with the rest of her purchases, patiently waits her turn at the check-out, fishes five ten-dollar bills from her purse, receives her small change, and pushing the cart with the babies in it, herds the two boys through the rain to the station wagon in the parking lot.I go with her in my mind's eye. Jump out in the rain. Open the garage door. Drive in. Close door. Babies, boys, bags into the house in how many trips? Phone rings. Answer phone, change baby, wipe muddy tracks from kitchen floor. Feed baby, put groceries away, hide M 'n' Ms, start peeling vegetables, take clothes out of dryer, stop fight between two older children, feed two year old, answer phone again, fold clothes, change baby, get boys to:1) hang up coats,2) stop teasing two year old, 3) set table.Light oven, put baby to bed, stop fight, mop up two year old, put chicken in oven, answer phone, put away clothes, finish peeling vegetables, look peaceful and radiant--husband will be home soon.I see this implacable succession of exigencies in my mind's eye. They come with being a mother. I also see the dreams she dreams sometimes--write a novel, agents call, reviews come in. TV interviews, autograph parties, promotional traveling, a movie contract--preposterous dreams. Try something a little more realistic. Cool modern office, beautiful clothes, make-up and hairdo that stay done all day. A secretarial job perhaps, nothing spectacular, but it's work that actually produces something that doesn't have to be done over at once. It's work that ends at five o'clock. It means something.I know how it is. I have a mother. I am a mother. I've produced a mother (my daughter, Valerie, has a two year old and expects another child soon). I watched my own mother cope valiantly and efficiently with a brood of six. ("If one child takes all your time," she used to say, "six can't take any more.") We were--we still are--her life. I understand that. Of all the gifts of my life surely those of being somebody's wife and somebody's mother are among the greatest.But I watch my daughter and other mothers of her generation and I see they have some strikes against them that we didn't have. They have been told insistently and quite persuasively that motherhood is a drag, that tradition is nonsense, that what people have always regarded as "women's work" is meaningless, that "roles" (a word we never bothered much about until a decade or so ago) are changing, that femininity is a mere matter of social conditioning, that it's time to innovate. If the first-grade readers show a picture of a woman driving a hook-and-ladder and a man doing a nurse's job, see what happens to the conditioning. Abolish the stereotypes and we can abolish the myths of masculinity and femininity.I hear this sort of claptrap, and young mothers often come to me troubled because they can't answer the arguments logically or theologically. They feel, deep in their bones, that there is something terribly twisted about the whole thing but they can't put their finger on what it is.I think I know what it is. Profanity. Not swearing. I'm not talking about breaking the Third Commandment. I'm talking about treating as meaningless that which is freighted with meaning. Treating as common that which is hallowed. Regarding as a mere triviality what is really a divine design. Profanity is failure to see the inner mystery.When women--sometimes well-meaning, earnest, truth seeking ones say "Get out of the house and do something creative, find something meaningful, something with more direct access to reality," it is a dead giveaway that they have missed the deepest definition of creation, of meaning, of reality. And when you start seeing the world as opaque, that is, as an end in itself instead of as transparent, when you ignore the Other World where this one ultimately finds its meaning, of course housekeeping (and any other kind of work if you do it long enough) becomes tedious and empty.But what have buying groceries, changing diapers and peeling vegetables got to do with creativity? Aren't those the very things that keep us from it? Isn't it that kind of drudgery that keeps us in bondage? It's insipid and confining, it's what one conspicuous feminist called "a life of idiotic ritual, full of forebodings and failure." To her I would answer ritual, yes. Idiotic, no, not to the Christian--for although we do the same things anybody else does, and we do them over and over in the same way, the ordinary transactions of everyday life are the very means of transfiguration. It is the common stuff of this world which, because of the Word's having been "made flesh," is shot through with meaning, with charity, with the glory of God.But this is what we so easily forget. Men as well as women have listened to those quasi-rational claims, have failed to see the fatal fallacy, and have capitulated. Words like personhood, liberation, fulfillment and equality have had a convincing ring and we have not questioned their popular definitions or turned on them the searchlight of Scripture or even of our common sense. We have meekly agreed that the kitchen sink is an obstacle instead of an altar, and we have obediently carried on our shoulders the chips these reductionists have told us to carry.This is what I mean by profanity. We have forgotten the mystery, the dimension of glory. It was Mary herself who showed it to us so plainly. By the offering up of her physical body to become the God-bearer, she transfigured for all mothers, for all time, the meaning of motherhood. She cradled, fed and bathed her baby--who was very God of very God--so that when we cradle, feed and bathe ours we may see beyond that simple task to the God who in love and humility "dwelt among us and we beheld his glory."Those who focus only on the drabness of the supermarket, or on the onions or the diapers themselves, haven't an inkling of the mystery that is at stake here, the mystery revealed in the birth of that Baby and consummated on the Cross: my life for yours.The routines of housework and of mothering may be seen as a kind of death, and it is appropriate that they should be, for they offer the chance, day after day, to lay down one's life for others. Then they are no longer routines. By being done with love and offered up to God with praise, they are thereby hallowed as the vessels of the tabernacle were hallowed--not because they were different from other vessels in quality or function, but because they were offered to God. A mother's part in sustaining the life of her children and making it pleasant and comfortable is no triviality. It calls for self-sacrifice and humility, but it is the route, as was the humiliation of Jesus, to glory.To modern mothers I would say "Let Christ himself be your example as to what your attitude should be. For he, who had always been God by nature, did not cling to his prerogatives as God's equal, but stripped himself of all privilege by consenting to be a slave by nature and being born as a mortal man. And, having become man, he humbled himself by living a life of utter obedience, even to the extent of dying, and the death he died was the death of a common criminal. That is why God has now lifted him so high. . ." (Phil. 2:5-11 Phillips).It is a spiritual principle as far removed from what the world tells us as heaven is removed from hell: If you are willing to lose your life, you'll find it. It is the principle expressed by John Keble in 1822:If on our daily course our mindBe set to hallow all we find,New treasures still, of countless price,God will provide for sacrifice.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Wild Adventures

So, life has been good. This week and weekend travelled so fast! School is finally wrapped up for one and the other is just doing little bits to finish up and hopefully will finish in the next week or so. Then on to summer schedules and summer school and hopefully the arrival of our sweet blessing Madeline Joy.
So Friday I drop Hunter off with his dad so they can spend the weekend together and a crazy, random thought crosses my about a drive to San Diego for the day Saturday so the girls can play on the beach. Well, believe it or not, Bret totally went for it!
Friday we prepared and planned and packed up the van, then we got up Saturday morning at 3am! I know that in itself is crazy. Danielle fell back to sleep, Emma fell back to sleep, but Lauren was wide eyed with excitement, no one had any idea where we were going. Just that we had to get up early to go to breakfast.
The drive there wasn't too bad, 6 hours and we had breakfast at Kono's right on the beach. After that, headed over to Coronado Island and played at Hotel Del and had some ice cream. We saw some great sea shells, lots of hermit crabs and sea urchins in a tide pool. Danielle could care less and really didn't like the sand on her feet. :) We cleaned up, got small scoops of ice cream and ehaded out for lunch at Point Loma Seafoods. It was delicious!
After all of our excitement we headed home, it took a bit longer to get home and I can't tell you why, but oh well. The girls did great with movies and Danielle, not a peep out of her at all. She was incredible and happy. I couldn't believe it.
We got home around 9pm and got quick baths and dove into bed. Of course the girls were up early yesterday and we went to the later service at church because mom was moving a little slow. I then had a dear friend give me a quaint shower that I truly enjoyed in the afternoon and the girls came with me. It was such a blessing and I will post more on that later today. It was such an amazing experience, I think mainly because of where I have been and how God has opened the eyes of my heart.
So today it is off to a doctor's appointment along with an ultrasound, come home, get Hunter and head off to swim. And I hope in between to finish working on my lesson plans for next school year and ordering some new reading books.
I hope that everyone has a blessed day resting in the Lord! It truly is an amazing day!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Whew, another week!

Okay, who would have thought that an entire week would go by before I would post again! I have to tell you that between finishing up school, getting next year organized before Maddie comes, and then with swim practice 4x a week, life has been crazy busy! I haven't been this busy in a long time and I can see why.

So, I finally finished with Voddie Bauchum's book, "Faith Driven Family." Love it!! Highly recommend it. He is a little far off on some things, but you know what I haven't found someone who is perfectly balanced anyway! But he does drive home a lot of good points that I did enjoy and some hopefully will be employed in our own home.

As for the sports thing, I have to say I am glad it will be over this summer by the end of June! I don't think we will continue year round. We have found that though the kids really love swimming, they love being home and playing with us and having quiet time to just enjoy the backyard together even more. It is amazing to see how God really showed us the importance of our family and what the kids really want from us...they just want us! I love it!

This past week was really nice, even though it was busy. Mother's Day was lovely. Saturday we went up to visit my mom in Phoenix and laid out by the pool all day and had some delicious lunch! I have to tell you that is a pregnant lady's dream. Salad, grilled cheese, ice cream, ice tea, and McDonald's for breakfast. Then later in the day we went to the most delicious Mexican food restaraunt, it was awesome, shredded beef tacos, beans, rice and sopapillas w/honey. Okay, now I am hungry all over again. :) On Mother's Day I just wanted to spend the day with my family. We went and had a nice breakfast, went for a nice walk, grabbed something delicious to make for dinner and then sat out and enjoyed the afternoon swimming and playing with the goats. It was very nice and relaxing, I even got a nap!

God has shown me so much about myself this week, but mainly a few things to work on. Isn't it amazing how you ask God what is important for you to be working on and he is so gracious to show you. For me it is keeping my voice soft, making sure that the kids look at me when I speak to them and being joyful in all I do. So I have been faithfully working, or some days failing, but considering I am still waking each morning to a new day, I figure I haven't mastered it yet and it must be something I need to master. :)

Bret and I have been talking about churches lately. Mainly if we should be looking for a new one. We went to a fairly conservative church for a bit and the fellowship was wonderful, but their focus was so much on theology and Calvinism, that we really missed a lot of God's love and grace. Now we are back to our larger church and I miss the smaller fellowship of other families with the same goals and desires as we have, but most of all, in our service the message always seems to be so broad to fit all the masses and sometimes the "truth" gets a little watered down. So here I am at a crossroads again, wondering, praying and searching. It is hard to go to a church where you want your children to be with you, yet they are always talking about their Sunday school program, or that we home school and the church has their own school. So I am not quite sure where God is leading us, or if we will stay, but I will keep you updated on that one as it comes.

So I pray that all will listen to the words of God, be still enough to hear his voice and most of all, hit your knees in prayer daily.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Wow! There is a lot on this one, but I will try and keep it brief. :) When I started my homeschool venture it was just me a few others that I knew. I went to my first curriculum fair and there I was introduced to families that were very conservative. Because I didn't have any in my circle it never really bothered me.
After our short stent in Colorado, we moved here to beautiful Tucson. I started homeschooling and with that venture came a meeting a whole new plethera of people. All of a sudden I was surrounded by very conservative women who love the Lord and their families. I talked to them, they became my friends and along the way, I started doubting my own "godliness."
Because I wasn't too sure which curriculum would work best we started in ATI (Bill Gothard, Advanced Training Institute). The curriculum is amazing! But it is ultra conservative as is his thoughts about child training, clothing, music, etc. So here I was surrounded by very modest women and I was far from that.
So what happened, well, I started thinking I needed to be like them. Why? To fit in, to be accepted, because I wasn't too sure I loved God the same way that they did. So for 2 years I struggled, making my kids wear certain things, myself as well, along the way loosing all that I was. My husband sat by just watching as I figured it all out.
It took over 2 years to finally realize that this isn't what God had in store for me or my family. We are all created in the image of God, He spent time creating, forming, and shaping each of us. If He wanted us to be all the same, He would have done that, but He didn't. We are His precious little works of art walking around for Him. To bring Him glory and no one else. So here I was so preoccupied with myself and fitting in, and not knowing, doubting, that I lost my sense of self and my husband lost the woman that he fell in love with.
God took me on a journey where I now am dependant on Him and what He has called me to do for my family. Jeans, t-shirts, tanks, flip flops, hats, working out, bathing suits, vacations, sports, etc. are all things that our family partakes in. Sometimes we stand out, but if I am going to stand out I would rather do it for God than for myself or anyone else. There is true joy in the freedom in crying out to God, listening to Him and following what He has asked of you.
So I guess as I learned and grew in this area, I don't think anyone is better or worse than anyone else, we are all obeying what God has called us to do for our family. I have a better understanding and an acceptance and confidence in where I have been and where I am going.
I pray that each of you will hit your knees if you feel led to go through what I did. But most of all, that you would consult your husband. You see it is our husband's that lead our families. The husband is held accountable before God, it wasn't my husband's decision, but mine. So please pray and consult your head and get blessings before moving forward. But most of all, don't do it for anyone else but the Lord. He has a purpose for us all and it isn't the same as the next person.
God bless.
